Courses/CGBV SS24/Graph

Contains queries about the graph of the "CGBV SS24" course to help debug and structure it.

All Sessions

Returns a graph containing all sessions included in the course, as well as all included topics.

All existing CGBV SS24 sessions with included topics

All Categories

Returns a graph with all categories included in the course. See the query here


Returns a graph that uses the indegrees to size items. I.e. the size of a node depends on how many prerequisites it has.

Nodes that aren't cicles are items, that are linked to course-items, but are themselves not included in the course.



Unlinked Items No dependencies

Items that don't depend on and aren't depended on

Items that don't depend on other items

Link to the query Link to the query


All Resources

Returns a table with all resources that are linked to from inside the course.

Items used: CGBV 24SS (Q932)

Properties used: includes (P14), resource (P21), url (P20), instance of (P3)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?resource ?resourceLabel ?alias ?url ?type ?typeLabel # ?resLabelLength 
  wd:Q932 wdt:P14/wdt:P14 ?item.
  ?item wdt:P21 ?resource.
  OPTIONAL {?resource wdt:P20 ?link.
            BIND("true" as ?url) }
  OPTIONAL {?resource wdt:P3 ?type.}
  OPTIONAL {?resource skos:altLabel ?alias.}

  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
} ORDER BY ASC(?resourceLabel)

Try it!

Items without Resources

Returns a table with all items in the CGBV 24SS course, that don't link to a resource.

"Interests" and "Knowledge"

✒️ Note: The plot doesn't really show overlapping points

Items used: CGBV 24SS (Q932)

Properties used: includes (P14), has completed (P12), interested in (P23)

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?known ?interests ?item ?itemLabel # ?known ?interests ?item ?itemLabel 
  wd:Q932 wdt:P14/wdt:P14 ?item.
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?student) as ?known) WHERE {
      ?student wdt:P12 ?item.
    } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?student) as ?interests) WHERE {
      ?student wdt:P23 ?item.
    } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel
  BIND (IF(!BOUND(?interests), 0, ?interest) as ?interests).
  BIND (IF(!BOUND(?known), 0, ?known) as ?known).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

Alternative Visualization

Interests and knowledge are mapped to color and to size. The size equals to the sum of interest and knowledge.

A red node means that more students are interested in a topic. A green node means that more students know a topic.

A olive node means that one more student knows a topic than are interested in.

A gray node meant that the same amount of students know/are interested in a topic