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== Zustätzliche Queries ==
== Zusätzliche Queries ==
''Gibt zurück Anzahl der Module, Modulpositionen(=Kurse) und Semester.''
''Gibt zurück Anzahl der Module, Modulpositionen(=Kurse) und Semester.''

Latest revision as of 23:51, 20 May 2024

Dies ist Übersicht für den Studiengang Medieninformatik (Bachelor of Arts) an der Universität Regensburg.

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Der Studiengang hat 14 Module mit 17 Kursen in einer Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern.


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Beschreibung Query-Ergebnis SPARQL-Query
Kurse pro Semester
Kurse (mit Tags) pro Semester
Bar Chart: Kurse pro Semester


Zeigt die Abhängigkeiten zwischen Modulen, sowie deren relevanten Modulpositionen Items used: Media informatics B.A. UR (Q790), Module (Q791), Mandatory (Q324)

Properties used: includes (P14), instance of (P3), depends on (P1), importance (P13)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
select distinct ?module ?moduleLabel ?rgb ?module2 ?module2Label
?position ?positionLabel 
# ?pCount
?course ?courseLabel
where {
  wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
  ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
    # Only show a module position, if there are >1 included in a module.
    { SELECT ?module ?moduleLabel (COUNT(?position) as ?pCount) WHERE {
       ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    } GROUP BY ?module ?moduleLabel
    ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    FILTER (?pCount > 1). 
  } UNION {
    # Select all other module normally
    { SELECT ?module ?moduleLabel ?module2 ?module2Label ?course ?courseLabel 
    WHERE {
      wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
      ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
      ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
      # Show the dependencies according to their importance (=qualifier), currently only "Mandatory" (Q324)
      OPTIONAL {
        ?module p:P1 ?statement.
        ?statement ps:P1 ?module2. 
        ?statement pq:P13 wd:Q324. # exclude this line to show dependencies of diff importance
      #OPTIONAL {?position wdt:P14 ?course}
  BIND (IF(BOUND(?module2), "ffeec2","e3ffd9") as ?rgb)
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".}
} LIMIT 50

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Zeigt die Module, Modulpositionen und Kurse abhängig von Semester Items used: Media informatics B.A. UR (Q790), Module (Q791), Course (Q170), Mandatory (Q324)

Properties used: includes (P14), instance of (P3), in term (P34), has tag (P35), depends on (P1), importance (P13)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
?position ?positionLabel
?module ?moduleLabel ?rgb ?module2 ?module2Label 
?course ?courseLabel 
# ?tag ?tagLabel 
?term ?termLabel # show relation to terms
WHERE { # Module -> Moduleposition -> Course
  # Structure: module -> positions -> course
    wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
    ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
    ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    ?position wdt:P14 ?course.
    ?course wdt:P3 wd:Q170.
    OPTIONAL {?position wdt:P34 ?term.} # term
    # Use "Kürzel" as labels for ?position 
    ?position skos:altLabel ?pAlias. 
    FILTER regex(?pAlias, "BA", "i").
    BIND(IF(BOUND(?pAlias), ?pAlias, ?positionLabel) as ?positionLabel).
    # Only show a module position, if there are >1 included in a module.
    { SELECT ?module ?moduleLabel (COUNT(?position) as ?pCount) WHERE {
       ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    } GROUP BY ?module ?moduleLabel
    ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    FILTER (?pCount > 1).
  } }
  } UNION {
  # Structure: module -> course
  { SELECT ?module ?moduleLabel ?course ?courseLabel ?module2 ?module2Label ?term ?termLabel
  WHERE { # module -> course
    wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
    ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
    ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    ?position wdt:P14 ?course.
    ?course wdt:P3 wd:Q170.
    ?module wdt:P34 ?term. # term
    # Filter out all module positions for modules with only one position
    { SELECT ?module ?moduleLabel (COUNT(?position) as ?pCount) WHERE {
       ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    } GROUP BY ?module ?moduleLabel
    ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
    FILTER (?pCount = 1). 
    # Show the dependencies according to their importance (=qualifier), currently only "Mandatory" (Q324)
        ?module p:P1 ?statement.
        ?statement ps:P1 ?module2. 
        ?statement pq:P13 wd:Q324. # exclude this line to show dependencies of diff importance
  } }
  # OPTIONAL {?module wdt:P35 ?tag.} # hängt an module
  BIND (IF(BOUND(?module2), "ffeec2","e3ffd9") as ?rgb)
  # Use alias for courses -> e.g. OOP
    ?course skos:altLabel ?cAlias.
    BIND(IF(BOUND(?cAlias), ?cAlias, ?courseLabel) as ?courseLabel). 
  # Only show exemplary courses -> no ~ WS/SS23
  FILTER(!regex(?courseLabel, "[0-9]{2}", "i"))
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".}
} LIMIT 50

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Zeigt Module und deren Kurse in Abhängigkeit an.

Items used: Media informatics B.A. UR (Q790), Module (Q791), Course (Q170), Mandatory (Q324)

Properties used: includes (P14), instance of (P3), depends on (P1), importance (P13)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
?module ?moduleLabel ?rgb
# ?mPos ?mPosLabel
?depend ?dependLabel 
?course ?courseLabel 
  wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
  ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
  ?module wdt:P14+ ?course. # Module -> (Modulepos) -> Course
  ?course wdt:P3 wd:Q170.
  # Show the dependencies according to their importance (=qualifier), currently only "Mandatory" (Q324)
    ?module p:P1 ?statement.
    ?statement ps:P1 ?depend. 
    ?statement pq:P13 wd:Q324. # exclude this line to show dependencies of diff importance
  BIND (IF(BOUND(?depend), "ffeec2","e3ffd9") as ?rgb)
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".}
} LIMIT 50

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Empfohlene Fachsemester

Empfohlene Fachsemester für die Module

Zusätzliche Queries

Gibt zurück Anzahl der Module, Modulpositionen(=Kurse) und Semester.

Items used: Media informatics B.A. UR (Q790), Module (Q791), Course (Q170)

Properties used: includes (P14), instance of (P3), in term (P34)

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?modules ?positions ?terms 
  { Select (COUNT (DISTINCT ?position) as ?positions) WHERE {
  wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
  ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
  ?module wdt:P14 ?position.
  ?position wdt:P14 ?course.
  ?course wdt:P3 wd:Q170.
  } } 
  { Select (COUNT (DISTINCT ?module) as ?modules) WHERE {
  wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
  ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
  } }
  { Select (COUNT (DISTINCT ?term) as ?terms) WHERE {
  wd:Q790 wdt:P14 ?module.
  ?module wdt:P3 wd:Q791.
  ?module wdt:P34 ?term.
  } }
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de".}

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