
Revision as of 16:36, 6 November 2023 by Leonie (talk | contribs) (added: overview student)

A collection of images for presentations or similar.

Existing Images

Find all uploaded files here.


Full Graph with Learning Path

Query returns the full CGBV-Graph and the learning path to an item. Union of both queries. Items used: Virtual Cameras (Q149)

Properties used: depends on (P1), subclass of (P2)

# prerequisite -> topic -> postrequisite
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
SELECT distinct ?v ?vLabel ?rgb ?link ?linkLabel
  { SELECT ?goal ?goalLabel ?topic ?topicLabel WHERE {
    BIND (wd:Q149 as ?goal).
    ?goal wdt:P1+ ?topic.
    } UNION {
      VALUES ?topic { wd:Q149 } # we also want to include the root node itself
  ?topic wdt:P1 ?pre.
  BIND (?topic as ?v). # + add all ?pre that are not yet in ?topic   
  BIND (?pre as ?link).
  bind (if(?v = wd:Q149, "FBBC74", "FFEDD8") as ?rgb).

  { SELECT ?topic ?topicLabel ?goal ?goalLabel WHERE {
      BIND (wd:Q149 as ?topic).
      ?goal wdt:P1+ ?topic. 
    } UNION {
      VALUES ?topic { wd:Q149 } # we also want to include the root node itself
  ?post wdt:P1 ?topic.
  BIND (?post as ?v).
  BIND (?topic as ?link).
  bind ("F68C13" as ?rgb).
  { Select ?v ?vLabel ?link ?linkLabel WHERE {
  ?v wdt:P1 ?link.
  ?v wdt:P2 ?class.

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

Learning path

The complete path to an item (here: Virtual Cameras) and what's next.

The learning path to an item, showing its pre- and postrequisites

Student Interest

Overview of Student

Shows what items a Student is has linked their item to. Can be used to track progress.